All Proceeds of this competition goes to fundraising efforts for Pulmonary Fibrosis NI.
Win 3 Prime central (half way line) club wembley Tickets, plus £500.
Package Includes Club wembley Hospitality.
Although there is little public awareness of Pulmonary Fibrosis, every community has people who are suffering and dying from this disease. NI has the highest prevalence of Pulmonary Fibrosis sufferers in the UK, with around 360 newly diagnosed patients a year. Mid Ulster has a particularly high prevalence. On diagnosis their life expectancy is between 3 and 5 years.
Our aim is to raise awareness and much needed funding, to provide help and support for patients and families by providing a much needed respite centre. Pulmonary Fibrosis NI, a registered charity, is a support group which has been set up to provide support and respite to sufferers and their families. The charity enjoys cross community and cross party support.
Dr Josef Kuriacose, a popular and well known medical practitioner from Magherafelt NI, sadly passed away on 15th April 2022 from Pulmonary Fibrosis.
As part of this fundraising campaign, a small group, who were friends of Dr Josef, and other recently deceased members of our community, have been approaching local businesses and individuals for financial contributions. The response has been overwhelming, with over £50k pledged to date. There will also be a one off marquee charity golf event on the 30th June at Killymoon Golf Club where Dr Josef was captain for 2 years during Covid. The total amount raised through this fundraising campaign will enable the charity to secure or build a respite centre. This facility is much needed as patients are unable to travel abroad due to oxygen requirements. It is hoped that all the sports clubs and their members throughout N.I and especially Mid-Ulster will give financial support to this very deserving cause.
With your help we can achieve this target, and give sufferers and their families from within all our communities the support and respite they so badly need and deserve.
Every breath matters.